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Skool Loop

We utilise the Skool Loop application that all parents are recommended to have downloaded on their phones. This app can be used to send messages, alerts, and event details directly to families. To download the app onto your phone simply search “Skool Loop” in your phone’s application store and download the first result.

Class Dojo:

At Rapid Bay Primary School, we utilise Class Dojo as a powerful tool to connect teachers, students, and parents, creating an amazing classroom community. Class Dojo allows us to foster a positive culture and celebrate the achievements and values of our students.

With Class Dojo, teachers have the ability to encourage students for any skill or value they demonstrate in the classroom. Whether it’s for working hard, being kind, helping others, or any other positive behaviour, we can acknowledge and celebrate their efforts. By recognising and reinforcing these positive traits, we aim to create a supportive and motivating environment for our students.

One of the fantastic features of Class Dojo is that it gives students a voice. They can showcase their learning by adding photos and videos to their own portfolios. This not only allows students to reflect on their progress but also gives them the opportunity to share their accomplishments with their classmates, teachers, and parents. It promotes a sense of ownership over their learning and encourages them to take pride in their achievements.

We also understand the importance of involving parents in their child’s educational journey. With Class Dojo, we can easily share special moments from the classroom, including photos and videos, directly with parents. This provides a glimpse into the wonderful experiences happening at school and keeps parents engaged and informed. It strengthens the partnership between home and school, fostering open communication and collaboration.

We enjoy using Class Dojo to connect and engage our entire school community. It helps us build a positive and supportive classroom culture, empowers students to showcase their learning, and keeps parents involved in their child’s educational progress. If you have any questions or would like more information on how to get started with Class Dojo, please feel free to reach out to us. Together, we can create an amazing classroom community at Rapid Bay Primary School!